Roger Wanner2. Juli 20201 Min. LesezeitAI detected and classified polyp: tubular Adenomaduring a routine colonoscopy AI detected Polyp, Koloskopie, Zürich GEZH, Wanner
Roger Wanner26. Juni 20201 Min. Lesezeitsessil serratiertes Adenomwe are proud to be the first in Europe to have the characterization tool. SSA-Polyps are recognized as "hyperplastic".
Roger Wanner29. Mai 20201 Min. LesezeitDiverticular diseaseDivetikel im Colon sigmoideum Dr. med. Roger Wanner Gastroenterologie Zürich AG
Roger Wanner19. Mai 20201 Min. LesezeitCase Study: PolypDuring a routine colonoscopy we found this lesion: sessil serrated Adenoma in the transverse colon with some diverticulas Detected by Dr....